Body of Proof revolves around Dr. Megan Hunt (Delany), a health care professional who endeavors to harmony her tremendous work and individual life
Dr. Megan Hunt (Dana Delany) was in a elegance of her own, an outstanding neurosurgeon and leader of her profession. Her universe is flipped invert when a disastrous car accident sets an end to her time in the operating room. Megan comes back in her profession as a medical examiner driven in order to resolve the puzzle of who or what killed the victims. Megan's instincts are well-defined, but she's gotten a name for graying the lines of where her job stops and where the police department's starts. It becomes apparent her job isn't the sole aspect that must be reconstructed; Megan's family has taken a backseat to her aspiration, and at this point she will find out there may be plenty of work to do with regards to dissecting her interactions with the living.